Evangelical Political Activism
First, America is not a Christian nation. Yes, individuals came to America fleeing religious persecution, the church was very involved in the early American government, and many of America's laws reflect a Christian worldview. America is “one nation under God” in the same way that Iraq and North Korea are nations under God; because God is sovereign and rules the nations (Psalm 22:28). God establishes all governing authorities, from Hitler to George W. Bush (Romans 13:1). America, however, is not a Christian nation; it is a nation founded by Christians. The only "Christian" nation in the history of the world was Israel, a nation set apart by God for His glory. America is a nation in rebellion against God. The people of America follow Satan (Ephesians 2:2) and are literally enemies of God (Romans 8:7, Colossians 1:21). As Christians, we must realize this; we must realize that America, from the day of its discovery, has been a nation at war with God.
Second, the answer to this problem is not legislation, laws, or posting the Ten Commandments, regardless of how historical it may be. Listen to the words of Christ when addressing this issue to the Pharisees, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness (Matthew 23:27-28).” Christ was rebuking them because their strict outward obedience was not a reflection of their heart. I Timothy 4:8 addresses the same issue that physical restraint yields only temporary benefits, while true godliness is of eternal value.
How do people find peace with God?
They find peace through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not through obedience to American law.
If you stop homosexuals from getting married and having sex, is God going to allow them to enter heaven?
No, and Scripture makes this expressly clear. Which begs the question “if this is of no eternal
benefit why do we invest so much time, energy, and money into such vain efforts?”
Do we, as American Evangelicals, care about homosexuals? Do we feel compassion for those who have had an abortion? Read Matthew 12:9-14. Do you look more like the Pharisees or Christ?
If you want to see America change, then you must change Americans. The Ten Commandments are being taken down, prayer is being banned, and “under God” is being taken out of the pledge because American’s are sinners in rebellion against God. The solution is not that we pass laws to enforce state sanctioned piety, but that we share the Gospel; the key to changing people’s actions is changing their hearts. Christ came to seek and save the lost and we should be about that very same business.